traditional martial artsI’m going to deviate from the argument made by some combatives instructors who suggest that martial arts training is a waste of time.

A few years ago, I was also in that camp.  There were a couple reasons.

First, to become skilled in any martial art, you have to devote a considerable amount of time.  You must train every single day.

And second, traditional martial arts are not very effective in dealing with street violence.

The reason for that is that you are learning too many techniques.  When dealing with typical street violence, your mind tends to freeze up due to the adrenaline.

Trying to deploy complex techniques under duress doesn’t work well if you haven’t mastered them.

Combatives training is simply more effective in dealing with street violence.

With all that said, training in a traditional martial art such as Shaolin kung fu or karate is very beneficial.  Here’s why…

Traditional martial arts help you develop fighting skills

When you train in a traditional martial art such as kung fu, karate or even judo, you learn fighting skills.

Kung fu and karate will teach you how to strike and kick with power.  Judo will teach you how to grapple and throw.

One of the most important skills for winning a street fight is the ability to hit hard.

The fastest way to end a street fight is to knock out your opponent, or make them immobile.

The ability to strike hard with the hands, or kick hard can help you end a fight quickly.

Traditional martial arts training helps you become more fit

Within a traditional martial arts setting, you are on your feet and moving quite a bit.  Right there you are burning more calories compared to just sitting on your ass.

Martial arts training helps you develop strength, flexibility, mobility, balance and endurance.

In my own experience, we did plenty of push-ups, ab work, and stance work to help build some strength and muscle endurance.

We also did some stretching at the beginning of class as well, and before class I would often find myself on one of those leg stretching machines as I’ve always been tight in the hamstrings and groin.

Now and then, my teacher would throw in some cardio work as well.

Most of the class would involve training a kick, a punch, a combination or a form.

Given that my classes lasted up to two hours once I moved into the more advanced training, I always came away pretty fatigued.

Unless you do nothing the rest of the week and eat poorly, you can’t help but get in better shape.

Lastly, every belt test was meant to be a physical test and a test of your will.

In order to make these tests go a little bit more easily, I would do more endurance training on my own away from class.

I can safely say that after the age of 30, I was in my best condition overall when I was actively training in kung fu.

Traditional martial arts help develop the mind

MeditationTraditional martial arts are also designed to help you develop your mind and spirit.

Meditation plays a significant role in our training.

Meditation is useful in everyday life for helping to deal with stress and to help us become more focused.

As with any other part of our training, meditation requires daily practice.

Once you incorporate it into your daily routine, you’ll find that you have a greater ability to relax and focus your mind when needed.

Final Thoughts

In our society today, where violence seems to be exploding, and there seems to be a complete lack of discipline and respect for life, I believe traditional martial arts training could play a role in turning things around.

Traditional training involves development of the complete human being, rather than just the physical.

It also helps people with different backgrounds develop a bond.

Getting through a significant belt test brings you respect and helps you develop respect for the people you train with.

Martial arts can also turn around this obesity epidemic as well.

Most people diet and exercise to lose weight.  This is why they fail… they have the wrong goal.

If their goal instead is to learn a skill, get strong, develop discipline, etc, they will get more fit.  And, if they eat better, they will automatically lose weight.

With all this in mind, it is clear that there is substantial benefit to training in a traditional martial art beyond learning how to fight.

Thanks for reading!