Tier 1 Intel…

…get the intel you need to be more prosperous, healthy and safe in these uncertain times.

Dear Reader,

We are living in the most unstable times since the Berlin Wall was torn down in 1989.

Governments around the world, particularly in the west, have demonstrated a desire to impose their will upon their citizens like never before.

Freedom of speech is no longer viewed as a right.

Public safety is no longer viewed as the responsibility of the government, except when they want to lock you down.

Markets are being manipulated so that the gap between the haves and have nots is wider than it’s been in 100 years.

This is the stuff from which revolutions arise.

It should be clear by now that YOU need to take things into your own hands to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your wealth.

Tier 1 Intel will provide you with the information and strategies to help you do just that.

The Vital Pyramid

The Vital Pyramid

Vital Pyramid

Our approach to everything we do in life should follow The Vital Pyramid model.

The Vital Pyramid is a concept of self defense and combatives originally conceived by John “Lofty” Wiseman, a former member of the British Special Forces.

The four components of the Vital Pyramid include Mindset, Tactics, Skills and Kit.

Without going into detail here, following the model goes like this…

You must develop the proper mindset to succeed in any endeavor.

As applied to dealing with street violence, you must have the mindset that you will do whatever is necessary to win the fight.

Tactics are what we employ to achieve success in winning a fight, getting strong, and making money.

To make our tactics work, we need to develop certain skills.  To win a fight, we need to be able to hit hard.  To make money in real estate, we need the skill to identify opportunities.

Lastly, our kit, or tools simply assist us in achieving our goals.

When trading stocks, a tool may simply be an indicator we use to determine when to buy or sell a stock.

In the world of self-protection, tools are mainly weapons… firearms, knives, our hands and feet, etc.

The Vital Pyramid is the model we follow, and you will get a thorough understanding of how to apply it in any endeavor.

Health and Fitness

It all starts with your health.

If you are unhealthy, you can’t protect yourself and loved ones, nor can you enjoy any prosperity that comes your way.

Health and fitness begin with strength.

The stronger you are, the harder you are to kill, whether by illness or criminal assault.

With Tier 1 Intel, you will learn everything you need to know to become as strong as possible, no matter your age.

We build upon that strength with proper conditioning, diet and nutrition.

Every week, you’ll learn strategies to help you in all of these areas.


If you read or watch the news, you’ve seen or heard about the statistics showing an increase in violent crime over the last several years.

Many of the crimes involve random acts of violence that could be avoided altogether with proper training.

Combatives training involves development of a variety of skills within two broad categories… soft skills and hard skills.

Soft skills are what will help you avoid bad situations altogether.

Soft skills will also teach you to understand when violence is about to occur, and how to have the proper mindset to deal with that violence.

Hard skills involve your abilities to fight empty handed and with the use of weapons.

Tier 1 Intel focuses primarily on soft skill development and development of empty hand hard skills.

Wealth and Prosperity

In order to be of most value to your family and community, you have to build some wealth.  Wealth provides you with time freedom.  Time freedom allows you to the opportunity to focus on training and teaching.

It is my opinion that the financial markets provide the best opportunity for the average person to build wealth.

The start-up capital is low, and individual investors have the ability to get in and out of positions more easily than institutional investors.

We take a macro view of the economy and financial markets.

We don’t pretend to know where the markets will be at any given time in the future.

Instead, we focus on the major trends and how to protect our assets as trends reverse and as markets become more volatile.

The Tier 1 Intel Newsletter

The Tier 1 Intel newsletter is delivered every Sunday and can be found on the Subscribers page.

The newsletter is meant to enhance the content found in our articles, which provide you with a broad understanding of how to train and view the markets.

Each week we’ll cover what’s going on in the markets and steps you can take to protect your wealth, health and freedom.

Your Investment

The Tier 1 Intel newsletter is not meant to be exclusive.

As a result, the subscription is just $29 per month.  You can even get a 4 week test drive for free.

You’ll also have access to the entire archive (the newsletter started May 19 2024, so it’s not that big yet!).

To get started, just click on the Paypal button to the right and you’ll have access on the Subscribers page in minutes.

You can unsubscribe at any time.