self protectionRecently, there was some controversy surrounding a Toronto police recommendation that citizens should keep their car keys and fobs close to the front door.

Their reasoning was that this would help prevent a further intrusion into the home, since the burglars simply want to steal your car.

This is just one more piece of evidence that governments in the west are no longer concerned with law and order.

In Chicago, instead of cracking down on crime, the mayor wants to sue the gun manufacturers for allowing their guns to be too easily turned into automatic weapons.

In California we’ve seen plenty of examples of people walking into stores in broad daylight and filling up garbage bags with stuff because they have no fear of going to jail.

And in NYC, Daniel Penny is being tried for killing a man in self-defense because he held the chokehold too long.

During the grand jury process that produced the indictment, plenty of people came forward to describe how the “victim” was menacing and threatening people on the train.  Meanwhile, the “victim” had a rap sheet of over 40 arrests, and was clearly unstable mentally.

It’s no secret, we are living in turbulent times.  Many lives and businesses have been turned upside down as a result of government inaction on crime.

It is not surprising that gun sales have gone through the roof in the last few years, but that is just one step you should probably take in an effort to protect yourself and your family.

Given what’s been going on in recent years, I thought it might be a good idea to outline the steps you should take now to improve your own self-protection, and that of your family.

Home Security

No matter where you live, you should get yourself set up with a home security system.  There are many to choose from, and they are inexpensive when compared to what you could lose in a break in.

After we purchased our home a few years ago, we picked up this 8 piece home security system by Ring, and it works well for us.

These systems start at less than $300 and typically include motion sensors, entry sensors, panic button, etc, and you can add cameras and other accessories as well.

I also recommend a Master Lock 265EC Door Security Bar, White for each ground level entry door to your home, where applicable.


strength trainingIf you want to increase your chances of survival during an assault, improve your fitness level.  Strength and conditioning are critical not just for your long term health, but they are clearly beneficial if you are ever faced with an assault situation.

In this regard, I would emphasize strength training.   The stronger you are, the harder you are to kill.  That’s just a fact.

Conditioning should also be included in any fitness program you pursue.

Criminal assaults often involve multiple people, and adrenaline will only take you so far.

If you don’t like to train at a gym, and you have the space, then you should invest in some good strength training equipment.  Fitness Factory has an excellent assortment of equipment, from barbells and dumbbells, to power racks.

The bottom line is, improved strength and fitness will allow you to hit and kick hard and fight harder and longer if needed.

I personally employ a variety of tools in my training including use of barbells, Bowflex Adjustable Dumbbells, a Century Heavy Bag, and some other stuff.


self defense trainingIf we’ve learned anything from the recent unrest in our cities it’s that we need to be armed.

While the 2nd Amendment had been under serious attack in recent years due to mass shootings, the violence in our cities over the last few years has made that moot.

Most people now realize that the 2nd Amendment was written for a reason and that reason has never been more evident than now.

However, before you run out to buy your first gun, if you don’t already own one, be sure to get some training first.

In many states, that is a requirement anyway and you may need to obtain a license of some kind as well.

Admittedly, I am no expert in this area, so I can’t tell you what to buy.  This is a matter of personal preference for most people anyway.

Once you do get that first gun, be sure to train with it regularly.  It makes no sense to own a weapon if you don’t know how to use it, and use it well.

If you don’t already own a gun, and perhaps don’t have the time to do what is necessary to legally obtain a gun in the foreseeable future, then you should have other weapons on hand.

Keep in mind though, most other reliable weapons are going to only be useful for close quarter encounters.

When protecting your home, this would mean an intruder has likely already entered your home.  If they have a gun and you don’t, you are at a huge disadvantage, so you’ll need a good bit of training.

With that said, some other weapons you should have in the house… a baseball bat, or another similar type of bludgeoning instrument (golf club, walking cane, hammer), knives, pepper spray, etc.

Anything that is useful for fending off an intruder and allowing you to escape should be easily accessible in your home.

Self Defense Training

Everyone needs self defense training, but few take the time to get it.

I am not talking about training at a martial arts school… that is an entirely different thing.

Martial arts are good for developing various skills and athleticism that can assist you in self defense, but typical martial arts training is not very useful for street type, criminal assaults.

If you don’t have time to train in person, there are some online programs that will teach you needed skills.  I highly recommend you check out Urban Combatives, founded by Lee Morrison.

You can learn some basic self defense skills, and also get very advanced training to help you deal with a variety of situations.

If you do have the time, nothing beats in person training.  Do some research in your area to find an instructor that offers more realistic self defense training.

During your research, look for references to W.E. Fairbairn, and you’ll know you are on the right track if you find them.

Final Thoughts

As I’ve said, we are living in turbulent times.  It doesn’t matter who is to blame.  But, to deny the reality is to put yourself in danger.

At the very least, you should get your home security system in place, and get some serious self defense training.  Good self defense training will teach you to not only handle yourself during a criminal assault, but how to avoid them altogether.

You owe it to yourself and your family to do what is needed to protect them and yourself.